
Blog Log #001: Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats

Upon perusing the many blogs available from today’s all too important contributors, I have decided to set foot into the blog universe to shed light onto a much overlooked subject: Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats, and other such one-sided cereals.

I rather enjoy my cereal, but the preparation needed to maintain the white sugary frost on the biscuit while eating is annoying to say the least. For instance, after pouring an amount of cereal into my cereal bowl, many of the bite sized biscuits are frosted side down, i.e. prone. This positioning allows the milk to dissolve the white sugary frost off the biscuit and sink into the milk. Good for milk, bad for biscuit. I need this white sweetness to stay in/on the biscuit for taste satisfaction.

So, in order for me to rectify this situation, I must turn all the biscuits frost side up before pouring the milk. And, while eating, I must continuously maintain the biscuits in this supine position.

Another related, but much, much more irksome misery is poor quality control over the amount of white sugary frost adhering to the biscuit. At certain times of the year (about 3 times) I get boxes that have the worst in white sugary frost applied to the biscuit. There are biscuits without any white sugary frost, biscuits that have white sugary frost glopped on so much that the biscuit will dissolve before the white sugary frost begins to soften, and numerous retarded biscuits (the ones that are only half there that leave the box a third full of crushed biscuits).

There it is. Respond if you’re inclined.